In schools of Yamal there will pass week of high technologies

In schools of Yamal there will pass week of high technologies
From March 10 to March 16 in 37 educational organizations from nine municipalities of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area there will pass the All-Russian school week of nanotechnologies and a tekhnopredprinimatelstvo.

These days will take place as the actions planned by each educational institution, and the network events held within a week by the autonomous non-profit educational organization in the field of natural sciences and high technologies "School League".

In the educational organizations of the district will pass various thematic competitions, lessons, including library, lessons conferences, days of experiences and experiments, thematic lectures, conversations, master classes, class hours, intellectual games and quizes, presentations, exhibitions, excursions, competitions in a robotics and another.

The majority of lessons within a week will pass with application of modern high technologies.

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