In Yar-Sal the reserve diesel generator is delivered

Gas producers, road builders, builders – everything united that Yar-Sal it was provided with an additional power source. The vital equipment from Pangod in Yar-Sal was delivered by road builders. Today at 11:00 equipment installation began.
Way from Pangoda's settlement to the village Yar-Sal the remote: more than 600 kilometers. Gas producers undertook to take power plant to Aksarka accompanied by builders of the highway Salekhard – Nadym. On Aksark's winter road – Yar-Sal the reserve diesel generator, which net weight makes 20 tons 800 kilograms.
we Will remind
, yarsalinsky power plant
in the middle of January I endured a fire.
6 of 8 diesel installations and
special equipment
it was succeeded to rescue.
in the middle of January I endured a fire.
6 of 8 diesel installations and
special equipment
it was succeeded to rescue.
Now objects of housing facilities and the social sphere are supplied with power supply in a regular mode. All six diesel generators that allows to satisfy completely need of the village for the electric power (the electric power work 100% of the village) are provided.
The destiny of diesel installations which will serve as constant reserve power, isn't solved yet – the question is studied. To provide a necessary operational power reserve, the Gazprom dobycha Nadym company on a leasehold basis provided to the district one diesel generator which is in Pangodakh which road builders and delivered in Yar-Sal.
The most part of a way air temperature made near a minus of 45 degrees Celsius. For transportation of diesel installation used special equipment and escort cars "Ural".
"Were worn out, certainly: weather conditions to us complicated all process. For forty temperature, metal simply crumbles and breaks, the K-700 tractors don't maintain, drafts "fly". The container weighs 21 ton, slightly you will stop, and it already freezes to the road – not to pull off from a place. Near Salemal many hours fought – couldn't rise by the coast of Ob. Became in three-four drafts, helped "Uralami", speed reached at most 8 - 10 kilometers per hour" , – Victor Strokov, the chief of service of operation tells State Unitary Enterprise Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area Yamalavtodor.
Reference. the Diesel automated power plant of container execution "HK-02M3 Star-500" will be established to b in the village Yar-Sal near the building of music school by forces of staff of the housing and communal services municipal enterprise. Installation and installation mean connection to the transformer and departing lines of the power supply network. The power plant will be used as the reserve power supply on a case of unforeseen circumstances; its power – 500 kilowatts.
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