110 Yamal recruits will pass conscription service in parts of Navy of the Russian Federation

110 Yamal recruits will pass conscription service in parts of Navy of the Russian Federation
This year 110 recruits will be sent to St. Petersburg in Training center of preparation of junior specialists of the Navy of the Russian Federation from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area that practically it is twice more, than last year. It became possible thanks to the cooperation agreement signed in September, 2012 in social, cultural and military patriotic spheres between the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area and Training center of the Navy of the Russian Federation.

In December the Yamal recruits will arrive on platforms of Training center in Kronstadt and Vyborg. Here recruits will be trained to naval specialties and after certification will be distributed on the ships and fleet of the Russian Federation for passing of conscription military service.

Yamaltsa will be directed on the big landing ship "Yamal" on the Black Sea fleet, on other ships and coast guards. Some people will continue service in Training center. Recruits from the Purovsky area will arrive on service on the sponsored small anti-submarine ship "Urengoy" of the Baltic fleet.

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