The children's camp "St. Petersburg-Yamal" is ready to opening of summer change

The children's camp "St. Petersburg-Yamal" is ready to opening of summer change
More than 250 school students will go to St. Petersburg in the period of summer vacations in St. Petersburg-Yamal camp from ten municipalities of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area.

This year within summer improving campaign in Petersburg two changes will be organized: "Museum change" and "Sea expedition to Petersburg".

If "museum change" became already traditional and has both the circle of constant participants, and wishing to join its traditions, "Sea expedition to Petersburg" - a novelty of this summer.

The idea of its organization was born in time of visit of the commander of Training center of the Navy of Russia of Leonid Zinchenko to Salekhard in September, 2012. Then the cooperation agreement of the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area and Training center of the Navy of the Russian Federation was signed. Participants of this change will visit Kronstadt, will take a course of the young sailor, will meet acting officers-seamen.

Organizers of summer holiday of the Yamal school students are departments of youth policy and tourism , the international and foreign economic relations, culture of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, district Representation in St. Petersburg, Museum exhibition complex of I.S.Shemanovsky and the Union of museums of Russia, Fund of assistance of employment (St. Petersburg).

By preparation of programs of work of each change organizers consider as the main objectives formation of careful attitude to cultural historically heritage of the Fatherland, acquaintance of school students of Yamal to history of Russia, St. Petersburg, expansion of an outlook of pupils, development of creative abilities, and, of course, improvement and rest of young northerners. Skilled teachers, staff of the educational centers and leaders will help children to adapt and actively to participate in camp life.

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