On Yamal the meeting of bikers "A northern boundary" took place

On Yamal the meeting of bikers "A northern boundary" took place
At the end of August, the city of Noyabrsk visited about one hundred motorcyclists not only from all Yamal, and also from the neighboring regions but also even from abroad arrived on the Northern Boundary festival.

The program of action was rather extensive. Its participants not only arranged colourful motor-shows, but also visited sights of the city. Drivers of motor-equipment didn't forget to honor memory of the soldiers who have lost in the Great Patriotic War – flower-laying to the Eternal flame. To inhabitants and city visitors the holiday was remembered by traditional speech of rock performers and bright a fusee show.

Together with pupils of MBU "Sports and Technical Club" the staff of traffic police at opening of action extended instructions and printing products on promotion of safety of traffic. During carrying out Motofestivalya employees of the State traffic inspectorate kept watch, both in the territory of held event, and for all city, incidents isn't allowed.

Employees of the State traffic inspectorate noted that all drivers of motor-equipment is realized, treated the safety and safety of the passengers, each participant was in protective equipment and in a special helmet.

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