On a crossing between the cities of Salekhard and Labytnangi dredging works began

On a crossing between the cities of Salekhard and Labytnangi dredging works began
The Konstantin dredge works today at the Salekhard party of a route. In the second half of navigation the carrier plans to move installation on the opposite coast.

Experts develop a braid, thereby increasing safety of navigation, minimizing for vessels risks "to run aground". Besides, works will allow to broaden the water area of the river on 250 meters and to provide space for maneuvers of ferries. For example, today at the southern, northern or northwest wind with a force over 10 meters per second the speed of ferries is slowed down on a third as cars don't have enough area for a turn. The reconstruction project both parties of a crossing is developed by specialists of district department of transport and road economy. The carrier performs works at the expense of own means. The company already prepared the necessary volume of rubble.

"A material is necessary for creation of appropriate conditions of entrance and departure on the ferry, and also for coast strengthening, - were explained by the chief of a ferry Andrey Borodin. – Works are planned for July of the current year. At this particular time water "decides" on the level and "doesn't fall". Dumping will allow vessels to moor comfortably, the place for comfortable "parking" of ferries" .

The question of comfortable and safe conditions for "entrance departure from the ferry" most often is set by the car owners using a ferry "Salekhard-Labytnangi". Data of independent public monitoring showed it. It is carried out on a crossing by regional public organization of "Yamal Road".

According to last week, emergency or problem situations public men on a crossing didn't record.

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