Kirill Shukarev won gold on Championship of Russia in boxing

In Anapa from June 1 to June 8 passed Championship of Russia in boxing among young men of 13-14 years. Kirill Shukarev from Muravlenko won 1 place in weight category of 46 kg. The trainer of the athlete – Vladimir Myagky.

In Khanty-Mansiysk Championship of URFO in boxing among juniors from 19 to 22 years from June 4 to June 8 took place. Athletes from Noyabrsk won bronze medals: Elnur Samedov in weight category of 60 kg, Alexander Borodin in weight category of 64 kg. The trainer – Alexey Belous (Noyabrsk). In total 30 boxers took part in competitions from five regions of Russia.

In Ioshkar Ola passed Championship of Russia in table tennis among young men and girls of 2001 year of birth and is more younger. The Yamalo-Nenets Kirill Shukarev won gold on Championship of Russia in boxing
Autonomous Area was presented by two pupils of DYuSSh "Yamburg" (Novy Urengoy): absolute champion URFO of 2013 among girls 2001 – Maria Makarevich and Anton Kishkin, the member of combined URFO.

Maria won 2 bronze medals: the 3rd place in the mixed category with Pavel Malakhov (Ryazan) and the 3rd place in the pair female category with Olga Vishnyakova (Vologda). In personal offset among girls at the Yamal tennis-player the 6th place.

Following the results of Superiority the representative of the gas capital took the 7th place of the All-Russian rating (464 sportswomen) among girls 2001 and enters into expanded structure of Russian national team.

Anton Kishkin following the results of Superiority could take a total 5th place of the All-Russian rating (279 athletes) among young men 2002.

In the general offset following the results of speech of two athletes the team of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area took the tenth place among 37 areas presented on tournament and regions of Russia.

The trainer of athletes from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area – Alexander Bogomolov (Novy Urengoy).

In Ulan-Ude (Republic of Buryatia) firing competitions from onions on account of the VI summer Sports contest of pupils of Russia from June 4 to June 9 took place. In an all-team competition the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area team won the 2nd place. – the 4th place – the athlete from Labytnangi Erdem Irdneev showed the best result. In total 95 athletes took part in competitions from eight regions of Russia. The trainer of yamalets – Badmandzhap Tsybikov (Лабытнанги).

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