Sporting achievements of the Yamal athletes

Sporting achievements of the Yamal athletes
126 athletes from 12 regions of Russia participated in the Championship and the All-Russian swimming competitions among disabled people with defeat of the musculoskeletal device, taken place in 24 till March 30 in Yeysk (Krasnodar Krai). Yamal representing at competitions Nikita Prilepsky from Noyabrsk, became the absolute winner on a distance freestyle . Besides, this pupil of Alexander Kozlov took the second place on a distance of 100 m freestyle the Championship of Russia, having executed thus the standard of the candidate for the Master of sports of the Russian Federation. Also Nikita Prilepsky took the second places on distances of 100 m on a back and 400 m freestyle, the third place on a distance of 100 m a breast stroke .

In the same time in Perm the rock-climbing Championship of Russia took place where the Yamal sportswoman Dinara Fakhretdinova from Gubkinsky , Vyacheslav Lyashev's pupil, became the champion of Russia , having outstripped 59 competitors who have arrived from 21 regions of the country.

Successful became performance and young Yamal sportswomen on Superiority of URFO among children till 9 years on chess (Yekaterinburg). Chess players from Yamal occupied all podium. Maria Ganzhina from Tarko-Sal, the second place at Ekaterina Bronnikova from Salekhard and the third - at Paulina Perkova from Gubkinsky became the winner of superiority.

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