Winners of the XII district youth festival hip-hop are called

Winners of the XII district youth festival hip-hop are called
130 rayter took part in the XII district youth hip-hop a festival, dancers and rappers from Noyabrsk, Salekhard, Labytnangi, Novy Urengoy, Muravlenko, Nadym, Purovsky and Krasnoselkupsky areas.

Winners of a festival became: the winner in the nomination "RAP" called Da Community (Serik Kamaliyev, Andrey Kobzev), Novy Urengoy. The student of the I degree - MS Makedon (Roman Makedon), Nadym, the student of the II degree - Viki.Chaves (Victor Savenkov), Novy Urengoy. In the nomination "Best MS" Ruslan Plakhtiyenko (BэtMAN MS), Salekhard became the winner. Nomination "Graffiti": the winner - Evgeny Mailer (IAMON), Nadym, the student of the I degree - Alexander Simonenko (SKEA), Novy Urengoy, the student of the II degree - Ilya Gayeva (RAES), Novy Urengoy. The winner in the nomination "Crew vs. crew" is called a break team of "Bonkers" (head Evgeny Troyanov), Noyabrsk. The winner in the nomination "Best show" - a break team "X-Fresh" (head Timur Sasin), Noyabrsk. Elmart Aksaitov (Эл) from Noyabrsk became a winner in the nomination "Best b-boy". Evgeny Kozachenko (Scorpion) from Noyabrsk is called the winner in the nomination "Best b-boy junior". In the nomination "Best b-girl" the winner – the inhabitant of Noyabrsk Julia Lulla (Lulla).

Elmart Aksaitov (Эл) from Noyabrsk also became a winner in the nomination "Toprock" and "House". In the nomination "Hip-Hop" the winner defined Ruslan Safiullin (Dinozavr), Noyabrsk. Mikhail Taranukhin (Nero) from Novy Urengoy – the winner in the nomination "Popping". Andrey Kudrin (Feel) from Salekhard became a winner in the nomination "Beat Box".

The special diploma "For creative growth" is handed over to Arsene Grigoryan (RoyaL MS) from Tarko-Sal.

In an all-team competition following the results of a festival are defined: the student of the I degree - delegation of Noyabrsk (heads Timur Lyukhudzayev and Evgeny Troyanov); the student of the II degree - delegation of Novy Urengoy (head Salikh Sayakhov) and the student of the III degree - delegation of Nadym (head Evgeny Mailer).

Let's remind, the festival took place from May 6 to May 13 on the basis of ЦВМиР "Snowflake" (Tyumen). It was carried out for the purpose of increase of level of mastery among creative collectives. Founders and organizers of a festival: department of youth policy and tourism of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, Regional center of patriotic education and District Youth Center.

Except competitive performances within the nominations of a festival training master classes with participation of eminent teachers took place.

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