In Muravlenko the inhabitant accuse of infliction of harm to the health, entailed death

In Muravlenko the inhabitant accuse of infliction of harm to the health, entailed death
The Muravlenkovsky interdistrict investigative department of investigative management of Investigative committee of the Russian Federation of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area brought accusation to the local accused of causing heavy harm to health, entailed on imprudence death of the victim.

In the night of April 30 for May 1, 2013 in the city of Muravlenko accused and injured, both earlier judged, in common drank alcoholic drinks. During suddenly arisen quarrel the 39-year-old man beat fists of the 53-year-old victim. From traumatized the victim died.

According to the petition of the investigator the court concerning the accused elected a measure of restraint in the form of imprisonment. Now the investigative actions directed on establishment of all circumstances of the committed crime are carried out. Investigation of criminal case proceeds.

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