In March on the river Sob will pass the winter fishing championship

In March on the river Sob will pass the winter fishing championship
In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area on March 16 will pass for the seventh time the open winter fishing championship. It will take place on the river bank Sob, near the settlement Katravozh.

The action purpose – promotion of a healthy lifestyle and winter sports, and also increase of sports activity of inhabitants of Yamal.

All will be able to participate in competitions wishing, irrespective of age. As shows experiment of last competitions, the championship brings together more than 400 participants. It should be noted that of this sport are fond not only men, but also women.

To be ill for "" and it is simple to have a rest, as a rule, not less than one thousand guests and fans gathers. And gather on action not only from all Yamal, but also from Ural federal district.

According to statements of organizers of the championship to miss neither it isn't necessary to participants, nor fans. Here besides fascinating competitions they are waited by festivities with numerous sporting events and the most tasty northern fish soup.

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