On Nadym caught the biggest fish

On Nadym caught the biggest fish
Last Sunday, on river Nadym ice, near the city of Nadym with the same name, passed competitions on subglacial fishing – "Fisherman-2012". On competitions this year arrived, 172 participants, in comparison with previous years number of the registered participants grow, competitions gain popularity among fans of winter catching. Last competitions brought to participants and fans, only positive emotions and charged energy for all next week.

National teams of the enterprises participated in action, family and individual participants. Competitions were open by a greeting of teams: fancy dresses, verses and chastooshkas helped to cheer up to all gathered on the river Nadym. Four hours fishermen fished, trying to catch the largest copy, and to surpass in gross weight of the rivals. Cups and memorable prizes were handed over to winners.

During competitions safety was provided by all emergency services of the city.

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