Labytnanog authorities chose "dry" days

Labytnanog authorities chose "dry" days
Head Administration Labytnangi Oleg Cherevko signed an executive order to limit the time of retail sale of alcoholic beverages, according to which in 2013 "Alcohol taboo" is set in the days of the events.

Such seven days:
1 and May 9,
12 and 29 of June,
August 23,
September 14-15.

These days, set a time limit the sale of alcohol from 10 to 22 hours. Given the limitations of night from 22 to 10 hours, the current round, the date will be called "dry" days.

Recall the federal statutory limits the sale of alcohol from 23 pm to 8 amLabytnangi in that time frame extended from 22 to 10 hours. Furthermore, additional requirements for trading rooms. They must be equipped with video surveillance systems are isolated from the rooms, which sell other goods, with a private entrance. Only in 28 stores selling alcoholic beverages,eight of them are fully aligned with the new requirements alcohol trade. The rest is to be done at the end of the license period.

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