The electronic archive came to the rescue to world judges

On Yamal "The electronic archive of world justice" is created and ready to work. Now the most part of routine work on thirty one judicial sites of world judges will be carried out by equipment. So, for example the high-speed scanner with automatic submission of documents can execute scanning of 100 pages in 3 minutes.
Introduction of "Electronic Archive of World Justice" system will significantly reduce operating time with judicial documents. Assistants to judges will have no need that is called "manually" to x-copy documents - this work the program will execute. All lawsuits, right after scanning I will automatically get to electronic archive and become available to operational work to the world judge within the region. The copies of the affairs which have got to electronic archive, won't demand an extra time for information search. Necessary data can be found in the text, without specifications even if the surname of the claimant or the respondent, accusatory articles, etc. aren't known.
On larger sites, the book scanner by means of which it won't be necessary to sew and turn over affairs will be installed, it is capable to process to 20 cases in one days.
This system supports work with the program AMIRS module introduced in all world judicial sites of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, entering into a subsystem "Judicial office-work and statistics" the State automated system of the Russian Federation "Justice". It also will allow to make audio and video fixing during meeting. Introduction of system will increase openness and availability of justice, will create the conditions excluding corruption составляющею by hearing of cases in court, will simplify studying of affairs above standing instance at the appeal of judgments, will allow to study in more detail a course of a court session by hearing of cases.
According to experts in the field of IT technologies, in the course of data transmission all security measures which will be provided by the hardware-software complex of enciphering certified by Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of Russia will be observed.
Today in Salekhard the central storage of information (server) is already created.
The "Electronic Archive of World Justice" system of judicial sites of world judges of the autonomous area will begin the work in January, 2013. For implementation of the project it is spent 27 million rubles.
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