Near Novy Urengoy about a rail 3 tanks with methanol descended

Near Novy Urengoy about a rail 3 tanks with methanol descended
In the morning on December 7, 2012 when performing shunting works on shift of cars tanks 3 cars tanks descended from a track not general use No. 146 on a way No. 142 around industrial base in the city territory Novy Urengoy the Tyumen region.

Two cars were loaded by methanol, and the empty tank overturned.

At present by investigators scene survey is complete. Damages of the overturned car tank and railroad tracks on ways not general use are established. Also the extent of damage caused to the owner of freight is established.

As the incident reasons investigators consider 3 versions - a technical mistake when translating way by the originator, malfunction of strelochny transfer and malfunction wheel the couples first car tank.

Now events for establishment of all circumstances are held. By results of pre-investigation check by investigative body the procedural decision will be made.

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