Novy Urengoy "closed"
Entry into the gas capital of Russia Novy Urengoy since fall of 2012 is seriously limited both for foreigners, and for all Russians. To get to this city, it is necessary to show the special pass or the invitation from relatives. Such measures are connected, in particular, with fight against illegal migration and against counteraction extending everywhere extremist the organizations.
Novy Urengoy declared the closed city. And at once on a place the admission in it to receive b doesn't leave: registration of the document takes about a month (more, than the Schengen visa). For comparison: to the closed cities of Ural the admission can be issued within 10 days.
"Entry into the city Novy Urengoy federal highway, railroad and airport it is taken under rigid control. The admission demand not only from foreigners, but also from citizens of Russia. In a city administration it call fight against illegal migration. The deputy head of administration of Novy Urengoy Andrey Martynov says that in the city became quieter".
"Without the special pass of passengers of trains land for 70 km from the city. Here it also is disorder of the Russian Federation. When to citizens of Russia close the next constitutional law in separately taken city. Right to freedom of movement. Beauty! " he is indignant.
However, officials already explained with what full closing of the city for entrance of any citizens is connected. "Recently in our region developed activity of a cell of the international extremist organizations, such as "Imarat Kavkaz", "Hizb-ut-Tahrir", and also religious groups of wahabite sense. They specialize on brain washing of the population and call the pupils for active actions, including for commission of acts of terrorism", the head of the center for counteraction to extremism of UMVD across the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area Sergey Savin emphasized.
As reports department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Novy Urengoy, for 2011 the number of crimes in the city increased by 64%. Local FMS doesn't cope with flow of visitors. In 2012 on the migratory account there were more than 24 thousand people who have arrived to Novy Urengoy, is 24% more, than for the same period of the past year.
For its part, the chief of information and analytical management of administration of Novy Urengoy Alexey Martynov explained that similar limited entrance works in Novy Urengoy not the first year. "Since 2006 Nadym, Salekhard, Labytnangi and tens more settlements were carried by the order of FSB to a border area. The federal law acts on the territory of these cities. Federal Law can't be regulated by local government. Frontier guards established a barrier around Korotchayevo where the border area begins. The law works 6 years", he told.
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