On Yamal help to find a job the former prisoner
From among condemned and the persons released from places of imprisonment, for permanent job over 130 people, and also 59 released — on temporary found a job. About 17 jobless citizens received the state services in assistance of the self-employment, over 75 yamalets were trained.
Such is the main outcome of implementation of the "Assistance of Labour Employment Condemned and Social Rehabilitation of the Persons Released from Places of Imprisonment, in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area for 2010-2012" program. The director of the department of interaction reported on it with federal public authorities and world justice of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area Dmitry Bavdurny at meeting of the government of the district on November 29.
AI in the press service of the head of the region, Dmitry Bavdurny also paid attention of members of the government of the district to increase of efficiency of interaction with UFMS of Russia across the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area regarding providing the state services to the population and improvement of control of migratory processes, strengthening of fight against illegal migration
For needs of migratory service delivery of three stations of a daktiloskopirovaniye and expeditious checks on the basis of the Papilon DS-40 scanner is carried out, additional modules of the Labour Migration software product are developed.
For improvement of conditions of reception and placement of visitors of service about 50 automated workplaces, 5 terminals with an electronic control system and 11 light boards are bought, 21 sets of systems of video surveillance are established.
Considering absence of the constant transport scheme and remoteness of rotational and roadside settlements from settlements of Yamal, for scheduled maintenance, the prevention and suppression of violations of the migratory legislation the caterpillar floating passenger snow and swamp-going vehicle and two cars of the increased passability is in addition acquired.
For the organization of work of special establishment according to the maintenance of foreign citizens and the stateless persons who are subject to deportation or administrative exclusion out of borders of the Russian Federation, connected with delivery of the specified persons, the minibus is acquired.
In realization of actions for counteraction to extremism, harmonizations of the interethnic and cross-cultural relations, prevention of manifestations of xenophobia, tolerance strengthening in the territory of the district participated at once some specialized departments. Meetings, round tables, discussion platforms and uniting projects were implemented in establishments of an education system, physical culture and sport, in the youth environment, public organizations.
The efficiency the facts of an extremist orientation accepted created flood plain "Telephone hotline". Byli are held training seminars of responsible secretaries of and of specialists of the interdepartmental commissions of goes to counteraction of extremist activity, meeting of the concerning advisory board of the ethnoconfessional relations of and of prevention of extremism of at the government of the autonomous area of use up the sister conference by participation of representatives of noncommercial associations. All Noyabrska use up to Salekhard took place "kruglye stoly".
Podgotovlena Pamyatka to foreign citizens of forges to the collection "Etnokonfessionalnaya Politika All Yamalo-Nenetsk Avtonomnom Okruge" release, information booklets", being finds of the territory of Yamalo-Nenetskogo of the autonomous area" more 11tys circulation. copies.
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