Labytnangtsa received a podvrok from I.Nak

To city birthday the deputy of the Tyumen regional duma Igor Nak presented to labytnangets a long-awaited gift — the light-emitting diode street screen. It is established before a town house of culture. The head of department of culture Svetlana Drachuk notes that the screen will provide higher technological level of carried-out city actions as will allow to broadcast actions in real time, and also to show cultural and leisure and festive events from a hall of a town house of culture which often doesn't contain all wishing. Thereby the bigger number of citizens will join cultural life of the city still.
The screen can be used as an advertizing board for translation of information of social, political character. «The light-emitting diode screen became not only a new, convenient and necessary technical resource for a town house of culture, but also an ornament of the city and a big gift to all labytnangets» — Svetlana Viktorovna speaks and sincerely thanks for financial support of deputy Igor Nak. «Igor Vladimirovich always with big understanding treats needs of culture, this gift — the next certificate of its attentive relation to needs of the city and citizens. Sincerely I hope that such close cooperation at us will proceed and from now on» — Svetlana Drachuk speaks.
Installation and setup of the street screen are already complete. But for the first time in "polnoekranny" scale he will earn at solemn opening of the international festival of a park sculpture of «the North Legend» which will take place on August 31 and will take place in a framework of the actions dated for the City Day.
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