On Yamal approved an emblem of the Government of the district
The governor of Yamal signed the resolution «About the statement of an official emblem of the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug». This decision is accepted with a view of positioning of Yamal in the interregional and international markets, ensuring appeal to an investment of investments and tourism, development of cultural potential and a cultural heritage, enhancement of cultural traditions and patriotic education of inhabitants of the region.
In multi-color option the emblem represents a circle of celestial-blue color with a scarlet border and the national pattern of white color entered in it with the inscription "Yamal" executed by an original font with a manual kerning of black color. The one-color option is approved also. Thus in the description it is said that the emblem can be used with an inscription "Yamal" or without it.
In the provision on conditions and an order of use of an official emblem of the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug it is said that reproduction of an emblem is authorized in multi-color and one-color options with application of various materials and reliefs, and also in monumental and decorative plasticity provided that the chosen type of a material and equipment won't distort the sign and symbolical maintenance of an emblem and will keep image proportions. The emblem can be used by public authorities of the autonomous region, local governments of municipalities, the state and municipal organizations of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and also other persons who have received a consent to use of an emblem according to situation.
Use of an emblem isn't allowed in a combination to the image and the text which is violating human rights, mentioning his honor and advantage, and also contradicting public interests and offending national and religious feelings of citizens. It is not authorized to use the image on the subjects, capable to discredit the autonomous region or to cause a damage of reputation of state authorities of the autonomous region; on the subjects which use can break or distort the image of an emblem or its sense; in the distorted and inexact look.
Emblem use as an element of symbols, signs and logos of actions which are carried out by bodies of regional and municipal authority, the state and municipal organizations, and also other persons who have received a consent according to situation on use of an emblem is allowed.
Let's note that the Governor of Yamal assigned control of performance of the resolution to the deputy – the head of administration of the head of the region Irina Sokolova.
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