On Yamal will burn a dangerous waste

On Yamal will burn a dangerous waste
In Yamal-Nenets autonomous region the new system of the reference with household and industrial wastes is created. The regional target program «Development of system of the reference with TBO and industrial wastes in Yamal-Nenets autonomous region for 2012 — 2014» provides creation instead of dumps in settlements of Yamal of modern complexes of recycling of a waste. The cycle of recycling of a waste will include the equipment for sorting, processings, burial places and destructions of a waste. A waste dangerous and not subject to processing will be burned in IN-50, made in St.-Petersburg.

«First of all we plan to establish two small IN-50 in Shuryshkarsky area, — the chief of department of an accomplishment of department of power and housing-and-municipal complex YANAO Oleg Jatsyna has told. — we should start These installations in operation in the first half of the year 2012. Then, within two years, delivery of seven more in other areas of our district» is supposed.

In YANAO will send IN-50.02К to the newest updating (working out of 2011). IN-50 earlier sample some years successfully work in Tyumen, Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region, in other next regions. In industrial wastes, toxic substances and poisons, "tails" from sorting TBO are subject to destruction dangerous medical. The maximum productivity of the chamber of burning — 50 kg/ch. It is delivered in standard "the sea" container. For start of the furnace it is enough to establish of it on a concrete platform and to bring an electricity.

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