Schoolboys suited court over the Cigarette

Schoolboys suited court over the Cigarette
On January, 19th employees of fire protection of Nadym garrison have spent with seventh-graders of high school № 9 out-of-class action for formation of a healthy way of life and negative attitude to bad habits. Schoolboys have presented to contemporaries a theatrical performance «Court over a cigaret!», in which have shown to contemporaries in what harm of smoking consists.

Seventh-graders have tried on on themselves new social roles: the judge, the lawyer, the public prosecutor, fire, the doctor, the court secretary etc. And each of them has expressed the expert opinion on the relation to "Cigarette" as a whole, as to the public phenomenon. Despite indications of witnesses of protection: Lighters, Sisters-matches and concluding remarks of the Lawyer accused, the judge has considered the objective facts which have played a weighty part in the accepted decision. In conclusion of action the categorical sentence of court has been pronounced. Each of the present was defined in the choice «to Smoke or not to smoke?»

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