Gubernatroa Dmitry Kobylkin has congratulated Jamaltsev on an anniversary of district.

Gubernatroa Dmitry Kobylkin has congratulated Jamaltsev on an anniversary of district.
Expensive yamalpeoples!

The Yamal-Nenets autonomous region – edge of severe winters, exotic beauty, infinite riches the main thing from which, undoubtedly, are people – celebrates the 80 anniversary.

For history of the country age small but if to remember, how many events and achievements of the state value have contained these years you understand that 80 years are a whole epoch. After all only during the last years yamalpeoples became participants of the big and qualitative changes of region: the industry and agriculture dynamically develops, the high technology manufactures in a fuel and energy complex take root, the consecutive social and economic policy is spent. Investment appeal of autonomous region that allows to improve its infrastructure from year to year grows.

Near to up-to-date manufactures conduct a traditional nomadic way of life of thousand representatives of the radical people of the North. And it – too our achievement and our pride.

For the 80 years the district of much has achieved. But ahead of us new horizons wait. And I am assured that Yamal will begin to sound even more loudly, surprising with the labor and creative victories.

Expensive fellow countrymen! At each of inhabitants of our severe land the history, the traditions, but at all at us is the general house – Yamal, for the blessing and which prosperity we honesty work, we open new possibilities, we bring up and we learn children. If everyone remembers the nice past of district if in the present it will be competent and rational to use the resources given to us in the future Yamal waits a long historical way, and our descendants with gratitude will remember us.

Warmly I congratulate you on an anniversary of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region and I wish good luck, the health, new achievements, belief in own forces and in the future of our northern earth!

The governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region

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