The president россии has congratulated yamalpeoples on an anniversary of district.

The president россии has congratulated yamalpeoples on an anniversary of district.
In the congratulatory telegram of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev it is told:

«Dear friends!

I congratulate you on the 80 anniversary from the date of formation of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region.

Today it is the center largest in Russia on extraction of the natural gas, possessing powerful industrial and a mental potential, a modern social and economic infrastructure.

The further development of region depends on a diversification and modernization of economy, realization of socially significant projects. Also it is important to keep unique culture and traditional branches of an economy of the radical people of region.

It is convinced that special "northern" character, diligence and purposefulness will help you to achieve successes in all undertakings.

I wish the Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, each family of prosperity, well-being and all the kindest ».

The congratulatory telegram to inhabitants of Yamal from the President of Russia was read yesterday, on December, 9th, by the plenipotentiary of the head of the state in UFO Nikolay Vinnichenko during rewarding ceremony by the state awards.

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