Expensive fellow countrymen!

Expensive fellow countrymen!
Last year we haven'ted the district 80 anniversary. Anniversary has shown – as much at Yamal friends as it is a lot of the people well-known and not so known, the best years of life have given, forces and energy to development of our northern earth. To you, veterans of Yamal, low bow and immense gratitude that the self-denying work you have predetermined destiny of Yamal on tens, and can and on hundreds years forward.

The strong, reliable base is created. The Yamal-Nenets autonomous region has entered new decade confidently. Region in avant-guard of economic advancement in depth of the Arctic widths. Yamal helps today to Russia to lay a difficult "ice" course in world market economy. But, beginning scale economic projects, it is impossible to forget about the person who lives and works on this earth. Therefore, we give great attention to building of habitation and socially significant objects, we construct roads, we expand possibilities of financial support to the Yamal families, young experts, we diversify economy to create new workplaces. It is deeply convinced, Yamal should be 21 centuries the region actively working, comfortable and convenient for life.

From the bottom of the heart I wish you happy birthday districts and I wish all of us – yamalpeoples – executions of the planned plans, new economic break. We always trusted in ourselves and knew that we will cope with any challenge that Yamal always was success territory!

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