The Labytnangsky education system has opened doors

Today in Labytnangah within the limits of a pedagogical marathon passes an open day of a municipal education system. Each establishment will present all the best that has saved up for years of work. In the program: open lessons, class hours, sports relay races, consultations and trainings for parents, excursions, exhibitions, game programs. Schools will invite in virtual travel, will present exhibitions of computer training programs and creative works of the pupils. Participants of an open day will have a possibility on a theme «future School: what it?». Similar on a saturation and variety of the program are prepared by collectives of kindergartens and additional education establishments. In a word, education systems and a vector of its development each parent, the pupil, the teacher can see today all achievements personally. The purpose of all actions — to give the full information to parents about their children out of door are engaged in what.

Day will end with city PTA meeting in the Internet conference mode on a theme: «Our new school: how to make training it is more interesting, school it is better, formation — is more qualitative».

The open day passes in a municipal education system in the fifth time.

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