In Nadym the boat has turned over, two persons have sunk

In Nadym the boat has turned over, two persons have sunk
The motor boat "Kazanka" in which there were 5 persons, has turned over around an industrial zone of a city of Nadym on September, 2nd. The three-year boy and the elderly woman were lost, the press-service of Ministry of Emergency Measures JANAO informs.

Five rescuers of branch "Yamalspasa" of Nadym air base of profit on a scene together with four employees OVD and two brigades of the First help of a city of Nadym within several minutes.

It was possible to rescue the man of 23th years. It is hospitalized in hospital of Nadym with the diagnosis "Overcooling". Searches two more person which also were in a boat at the moment of overturning At the moment proceed. One of them — the minor child.

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