Yamal is written by composers from Voronezh and Vologda

Yamal is written by composers from Voronezh and Vologda
29 musical compositions of composers of St.-Petersburg, Volgograd, Nizhni Novgorod, Voronezh and Vologda apply for a role of a hymn of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region. So much creative works are sent on competition on creation of a musical symbol of district in Legislative Assembly of Yamal.

Let's note, competition results will be brought in the middle of May of current year. Highly artistic is musical-poetic level, presence of solemn, patriotic character of product and conformity to a hymn genre become the basic criteria of an estimation of the presented projects of a hymn of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, — Legislative Assembly JANAO press-service informs.

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