Three tazovmen have entered into «Sports elite of Yamal-2009»

Three tazovmen have entered into «Sports elite of Yamal-2009»
Judges – representatives of Agency on physical training and sports JANAO – have summed up district competition «Sports elite of Yamal-2009» and have defined winners of competition in 17 nominations. In three of them winners of a steel тазовчане, have informed in area administration.

Ivan Portnov became the best sportsman of rural areas of autonomous region. This year it became the winner of regional competition «Sports elite» in a nomination «Best sportsman of Tazovsky area», the champion of Games of Tazovsky area, the winner of superiority of area in a weight category to 90 kg. Ivan Portnov – a member of national team JANAO on гиревому to sports.

The best teacher of physical training in district recognises Sergey Lishchuk. Sergey Jurevicha's pedagogical experience – 14 years, he teaches in Tazovsky high school. Last year the school command became the winner of a district stage of competitions «Presidential competitions».

Irina Panchuk – the expert in management of the personnel of Tazovsky central regional hospital, the winner of regional competition «Sports elite-2009» became the best organizer-public man of sports work.

Rewarding of winners of competition «Sports elite of Yamal-2009» will take place on March, 31st on Sports to ball. Except monetary compensation, winners will receive a competition symbol – so-called "Sports" Oscar », the Studio informs« the Fact ».

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