The best master of inservice training in Labytnangah became known.
The best master of inservice training in Labytnangah became known. Last stage of competition «the Master of year – 2010» has come to the end. Eight applicants competed in irreproachable knowledge of a theoretical part of a subject, have shown the ability to conduct a lesson of inservice training and have presented the card on jury court. The actions spent within the limits of competition, have allowed masters of inservice training to declare themselves, to raise the status, to draw attention of employees of school and the city public to initial vocational training.
Excitement is, perhaps, unique feeling which unites 8 participants of competition of pedagogical skill «the Master of year 2010». Throughout two weeks of the master of inservice training of Labytnangsky professional school struggled for a rank "Best". Persistent struggle конкурсантов was watched by competent jury. But, who as pupils can state the most objective estimation to work of the masters – instructors.
Lyudmila ShCherbakova in group "Mechanics" the unique woman. That is why, pupils try not to afflict and not to disappoint the master. After all on Lyudmila Ivanovny's fragile shoulders lays down not only the organisation of educational process far not a female trade, but also education of young men.
Sergey Kurchenko in Labytnangsky school works about one year. Participation in competition of pedagogical skill, the master, that other, as check of and the professional qualities admitted. According to Sergey Nikolaevicha, "Card" became the most difficult test. The best master of inservice training in Labytnangah became known. Last stage of competition «the Master of year – 2010» has come to the end. Eight applicants competed in irreproachable knowledge of a theoretical part of a subject, have shown the ability to conduct a lesson of inservice training and have presented the card on jury court. The actions spent within the limits of competition, have allowed masters of inservice training to declare themselves, to raise the status, to draw attention of employees of school and the city public to initial vocational training.
Excitement is, perhaps, unique feeling which unites 8 participants of competition of pedagogical skill «the Master of year 2010». Throughout two weeks of the master of inservice training of Labytnangsky professional school struggled for a rank "Best". Persistent struggle конкурсантов was watched by competent jury. But, who as pupils can state the most objective estimation to work of the masters – instructors.
Lyudmila ShCherbakova in group "Mechanics" the unique woman. That is why, pupils try not to afflict and not to disappoint the master. After all on Lyudmila Ivanovny's fragile shoulders lays down not only the organisation of educational process far not a female trade, but also education of young men.
Sergey Kurchenko in Labytnangsky school works about one year. Participation in competition of pedagogical skill, the master, that other, as check of and the professional qualities admitted. According to Sergey Nikolaevicha, "Card" became the most difficult test. The best master of inservice training in Labytnangah became known. Last stage of competition «the Master of year – 2010» has come to the end. Eight applicants competed in irreproachable knowledge of a theoretical part of a subject, have shown the ability to conduct a lesson of inservice training and have presented the card on jury court. The actions spent within the limits of competition, have allowed masters of inservice training to declare themselves, to raise the status, to draw attention of employees of school and the city public to initial vocational training.
Excitement is, perhaps, unique feeling which unites 8 participants of competition of pedagogical skill «the Master of year 2010». Throughout two weeks of the master of inservice training of Labytnangsky professional school struggled for a rank "Best". Persistent struggle конкурсантов was watched by competent jury. But, who as pupils can state the most objective estimation to work of the masters – instructors.
Lyudmila ShCherbakova in group "Mechanics" the unique woman. That is why, pupils try not to afflict and not to disappoint the master. After all on Lyudmila Ivanovny's fragile shoulders lays down not only the organisation of educational process far not a female trade, but also education of young men.
Sergey Kurchenko in Labytnangsky school works about one year. Participation in competition of pedagogical skill, the master, that other, as check of and the professional qualities admitted. According to Sergey Nikolaevicha, "Card" became the most difficult test. Participant it was necessary to open itself on a scene, and the creative approach to this competition was welcomed. Sergey Kurchenko's "card" became, as they say, "highlight of the program". The present theatre of dolls was pleasant both to pupils, and colleagues.
The creative approach to competition has brought a victory to Sergey Kurchenko in a nomination «Originality of motivation». And here «the best master of inservice training 2010» according to jury, and with their decision pupils agree also, there was Elena Sutjagina.
The victory in competition for Elena Sutjaginoj became a bolt from the blue. However, together with pleasure comprehension of that ahead more hard work on preparation for competition of professional skill of already district level has come also. From March, 22 till March, 25th in the city of Noyabrsk Elena Eduardovne should defend the right – to be called as "Best" in the trade among the Yamal colleagues. it was necessary to open itself on a scene, and the creative approach to this competition was welcomed. Sergey Kurchenko's "card" became, as they say, "highlight of the program". The present theatre of dolls was pleasant both to pupils, and colleagues.
The creative approach to competition has brought a victory to Sergey Kurchenko in a nomination «Originality of motivation». And here «the best master of inservice training 2010» according to jury, and with their decision pupils agree also, there was Elena Sutjagina.
The victory in competition for Elena Sutjaginoj became a bolt from the blue. However, together with pleasure comprehension of that ahead more hard work on preparation for competition of professional skill of already district level has come also. From March, 22 till March, 25th in the city of Noyabrsk Elena Eduardovne should defend the right – to be called as "Best" in the trade among the Yamal colleagues. it was necessary to open itself on a scene, and the creative approach to this competition was welcomed. Sergey Kurchenko's "card" became, as they say, "highlight of the program". The present theatre of dolls was pleasant both to pupils, and colleagues.
The creative approach to competition has brought a victory to Sergey Kurchenko in a nomination «Originality of motivation». And here «the best master of inservice training 2010» according to jury, and with their decision pupils agree also, there was Elena Sutjagina.
The victory in competition for Elena Sutjaginoj became a bolt from the blue. However, together with pleasure comprehension of that ahead more hard work on preparation for competition of professional skill of already district level has come also. From March, 22 till March, 25th in the city of Noyabrsk Elena Eduardovne should defend the right – to be called as "Best" in the trade among the Yamal colleagues.
Excitement is, perhaps, unique feeling which unites 8 participants of competition of pedagogical skill «the Master of year 2010». Throughout two weeks of the master of inservice training of Labytnangsky professional school struggled for a rank "Best". Persistent struggle конкурсантов was watched by competent jury. But, who as pupils can state the most objective estimation to work of the masters – instructors.
Lyudmila ShCherbakova in group "Mechanics" the unique woman. That is why, pupils try not to afflict and not to disappoint the master. After all on Lyudmila Ivanovny's fragile shoulders lays down not only the organisation of educational process far not a female trade, but also education of young men.
Sergey Kurchenko in Labytnangsky school works about one year. Participation in competition of pedagogical skill, the master, that other, as check of and the professional qualities admitted. According to Sergey Nikolaevicha, "Card" became the most difficult test. The best master of inservice training in Labytnangah became known. Last stage of competition «the Master of year – 2010» has come to the end. Eight applicants competed in irreproachable knowledge of a theoretical part of a subject, have shown the ability to conduct a lesson of inservice training and have presented the card on jury court. The actions spent within the limits of competition, have allowed masters of inservice training to declare themselves, to raise the status, to draw attention of employees of school and the city public to initial vocational training.
Excitement is, perhaps, unique feeling which unites 8 participants of competition of pedagogical skill «the Master of year 2010». Throughout two weeks of the master of inservice training of Labytnangsky professional school struggled for a rank "Best". Persistent struggle конкурсантов was watched by competent jury. But, who as pupils can state the most objective estimation to work of the masters – instructors.
Lyudmila ShCherbakova in group "Mechanics" the unique woman. That is why, pupils try not to afflict and not to disappoint the master. After all on Lyudmila Ivanovny's fragile shoulders lays down not only the organisation of educational process far not a female trade, but also education of young men.
Sergey Kurchenko in Labytnangsky school works about one year. Participation in competition of pedagogical skill, the master, that other, as check of and the professional qualities admitted. According to Sergey Nikolaevicha, "Card" became the most difficult test. The best master of inservice training in Labytnangah became known. Last stage of competition «the Master of year – 2010» has come to the end. Eight applicants competed in irreproachable knowledge of a theoretical part of a subject, have shown the ability to conduct a lesson of inservice training and have presented the card on jury court. The actions spent within the limits of competition, have allowed masters of inservice training to declare themselves, to raise the status, to draw attention of employees of school and the city public to initial vocational training.
Excitement is, perhaps, unique feeling which unites 8 participants of competition of pedagogical skill «the Master of year 2010». Throughout two weeks of the master of inservice training of Labytnangsky professional school struggled for a rank "Best". Persistent struggle конкурсантов was watched by competent jury. But, who as pupils can state the most objective estimation to work of the masters – instructors.
Lyudmila ShCherbakova in group "Mechanics" the unique woman. That is why, pupils try not to afflict and not to disappoint the master. After all on Lyudmila Ivanovny's fragile shoulders lays down not only the organisation of educational process far not a female trade, but also education of young men.
Sergey Kurchenko in Labytnangsky school works about one year. Participation in competition of pedagogical skill, the master, that other, as check of and the professional qualities admitted. According to Sergey Nikolaevicha, "Card" became the most difficult test. Participant it was necessary to open itself on a scene, and the creative approach to this competition was welcomed. Sergey Kurchenko's "card" became, as they say, "highlight of the program". The present theatre of dolls was pleasant both to pupils, and colleagues.
The creative approach to competition has brought a victory to Sergey Kurchenko in a nomination «Originality of motivation». And here «the best master of inservice training 2010» according to jury, and with their decision pupils agree also, there was Elena Sutjagina.
The victory in competition for Elena Sutjaginoj became a bolt from the blue. However, together with pleasure comprehension of that ahead more hard work on preparation for competition of professional skill of already district level has come also. From March, 22 till March, 25th in the city of Noyabrsk Elena Eduardovne should defend the right – to be called as "Best" in the trade among the Yamal colleagues. it was necessary to open itself on a scene, and the creative approach to this competition was welcomed. Sergey Kurchenko's "card" became, as they say, "highlight of the program". The present theatre of dolls was pleasant both to pupils, and colleagues.
The creative approach to competition has brought a victory to Sergey Kurchenko in a nomination «Originality of motivation». And here «the best master of inservice training 2010» according to jury, and with their decision pupils agree also, there was Elena Sutjagina.
The victory in competition for Elena Sutjaginoj became a bolt from the blue. However, together with pleasure comprehension of that ahead more hard work on preparation for competition of professional skill of already district level has come also. From March, 22 till March, 25th in the city of Noyabrsk Elena Eduardovne should defend the right – to be called as "Best" in the trade among the Yamal colleagues. it was necessary to open itself on a scene, and the creative approach to this competition was welcomed. Sergey Kurchenko's "card" became, as they say, "highlight of the program". The present theatre of dolls was pleasant both to pupils, and colleagues.
The creative approach to competition has brought a victory to Sergey Kurchenko in a nomination «Originality of motivation». And here «the best master of inservice training 2010» according to jury, and with their decision pupils agree also, there was Elena Sutjagina.
The victory in competition for Elena Sutjaginoj became a bolt from the blue. However, together with pleasure comprehension of that ahead more hard work on preparation for competition of professional skill of already district level has come also. From March, 22 till March, 25th in the city of Noyabrsk Elena Eduardovne should defend the right – to be called as "Best" in the trade among the Yamal colleagues.
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