On Yamal becomes more than reception families
Reception families on Yamal becomes more and more. It have declared at session of committee of Legislative Assembly JANAO on social policy. Participants of meeting discussed amendments to the district law on investment of local governments with the state powers on social support and service of children-orphans and children without parental support.
Amendments to the district law are caused by change of expenses on the maintenance of one pupil in children's homes and reception families in connection with increase in quantity of reception families and children in them, and also reduction of quantity of children in children's homes. In district on liberation of places the tendency was outlined in children's homes and to development of family forms of education of children-orphans.
In district 55 reception families in which 144 children are brought up are formed. 290 more children are brought up in seven children's homes. For the past year in district children's homes it is liberated about hundred places. In district department of formation the question on optimisation of a network of children's homes in district territory is considered.
Amendments to the district law are caused by change of expenses on the maintenance of one pupil in children's homes and reception families in connection with increase in quantity of reception families and children in them, and also reduction of quantity of children in children's homes. In district on liberation of places the tendency was outlined in children's homes and to development of family forms of education of children-orphans.
In district 55 reception families in which 144 children are brought up are formed. 290 more children are brought up in seven children's homes. For the past year in district children's homes it is liberated about hundred places. In district department of formation the question on optimisation of a network of children's homes in district territory is considered.
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