In birthday of Yamal in Salekhard there will pass Obdorsky fair.
The celebratory program will pass on the area before shopping center «Gifts of Yamal» on December, 10-11th. As have told in department of culture of autonomous region, throughout all fair of inhabitants and city visitors characters of theater of Parsley, cheerful buffoons-inventors will entertain. Fair will be visited also "present" by a merchant. Also the creative group will present bright performances, the amusing performances reproducing exhibition trade of northern people, cheerful game programs.
During a holiday national and author's songs performed by creative collectives of the District Center of national cultures – folklore group, ensemble of the Cossack song of "Ljubo", folklore ensemble of a song "Slavs", vocal ensemble of the Tatar song of "Duslyk", a vocal quartet of the Tatar song of "Joldyz", Nenets folklore group «you ' this», vocal group «Sorni тутые» will sound.
Главный музей Ямала приготовил подарок к 80-летию региона.
К юбилею Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа в МВК им. Шемановского откроется выставка «Время Ямала: 8000+80». Как отмечают сотрудники МВК, масштабный выставочный проект представит развитие региона в исторической перспективе – от глубокой древности до современности. Экспозиции юбилейного проекта расположатся на всех выставочных площадях музея, их основу составят предметы и экспонаты, документы и фотоматериалы из фондов МВК и муниципальных музеев, Государственного архива ЯНАО, Окружного Дома ремёсел.
Организаторы выставочного проекта – Правительство ЯНАО, ГУ «Ямало-Ненецкий окружной музейно-выставочный комплекс им. И.С. Шемановского».
The main Yamal museum has prepared the gift for the region 80 anniversary.
By an anniversary of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region in МВК it. Shemanovsky the exhibition «Time of Yamal will open: 8000+80». As employees МВК mark, the scale exhibition project will present region development in historical prospect – from an extreme antiquity to the present. Expositions of the anniversary project will settle down on all exhibition areas of a museum, their basis will be made by subjects and exhibits, documents and photographic materials of funds MVK and municipal museums, the State archive JANAO, the District House of crafts.
Organizers of the exhibition project – Government JANAO, ГУ «Yamal-Nenets district muzejno-expocenter of I.S.Shemanovsky».
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