On Yamal starts folklore festival
On Yamal starts folklore festivalXI District festival of folklore of the people of the North starts tomorrow, on June, 11th, in Salehrade.
As the press-service of the governor of Yamal, total of participants informs — and these are creative collectives both separate executors and masters of arts and crafts — will make more than 150 persons.
Ямальцы встретятся с бизнесменами Швейцарии
Делегация Ямало-Ненецкого округа во главе с губернатором с рабочим визитом находится в Швейцарии. Ямальцы прибыли в Цюрих накануне.
Программа делового визита предполагает ряд встреч с представителями органов власти, бизнесменами и соотечественниками.
Yamalpeoples will meet businessmen of Switzerland
The delegation of Yamal-Nenets district led by the governor with working visit is in Switzerland. Yamalpeoples have arrived to Zurich the day before.
As the press-service of the head of district informs, the program of business visit assumes a number of meetings with representatives of authorities, businessmen and compatriots.
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