The Yamal fireman is condemned for employment of the wife
The court on Yamal has sentenced the high-ranking employee of the Ministry of Emergency Measures to conditional term for swindle. It has fictitiously employed the spouse on the enterprise where infringements of fire safety have been revealed, has informed the senior assistant to chief of the department SKP the Russian Federation on JANAO on communications with mass-media Larissa Eropkina.
Sentence of court the chief of branch of preventive maintenance of fires of group of the State fire service Stanislav Kazachenko is recognised by guilty of swindle. To it punishment in the form of 3 years of imprisonment conditionally with a trial period 4 years, also court is appointed has obliged guilty to pay the penalty at a rate of 10 thousand roubles.
Sentence of court the chief of branch of preventive maintenance of fires of group of the State fire service Stanislav Kazachenko is recognised by guilty of swindle. To it punishment in the form of 3 years of imprisonment conditionally with a trial period 4 years, also court is appointed has obliged guilty to pay the penalty at a rate of 10 thousand roubles.
On Yamal the group of tyrants is condemned
In Salekhard the verdict of guilty concerning a group of persons, for fulfilment of crimes against sexual inviolability of the woman is taken out, has informed the senior assistant to chief of the department СКП the Russian Federation on JANAO on communications with mass-media Larissa Eropkina.
Collected by Salekhard interdistrict investigatory department of investigatory management СКП the Russian Federations on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region are recognised by court are sufficient for removal of a verdict of guilty concerning 24-year-old Tatyana Sorokinoj, 20-year-old Very Andrenko, a 18-year-old Lion of Ilinsky and their 17-year-old companion.
Collected by Salekhard interdistrict investigatory department of investigatory management СКП the Russian Federations on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region are recognised by court are sufficient for removal of a verdict of guilty concerning 24-year-old Tatyana Sorokinoj, 20-year-old Very Andrenko, a 18-year-old Lion of Ilinsky and their 17-year-old companion.
Members of parliament of Yamal have allocated Dmitry Kobylkina with powers of the governor
Deputies of Legislative Assembly of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region on an emergency meeting have considered the problem today on investment with powers of the governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region of Dmitry Kobylkina, the Legislative Assembly press-service informs.
The Yamal members of parliament have unanimously supported offered by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev a nominee and have entrusted management of the main gas region of the country to Dmitry Kobylkinu.
The Yamal members of parliament have unanimously supported offered by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev a nominee and have entrusted management of the main gas region of the country to Dmitry Kobylkinu.
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