Elections of the head Gas-fat will take place on March, 14th, 2010
On December, 17th at Meeting of deputies has sat down Gas-fat "the decision has made On the preschedule termination of powers of the Head of municipal union" on the basis of the personal statement of the head of administration of Olga Shpeht.
Mamontenok Ljuba has choked with a dirt
As scientists of Zoological institute have found out, мамонтенок Ljuba was lost having choked with a dirt.
At present мамонтенок is on preservation. «Mamontenok is impregnated by a special solution which protects a find from various external influences. Then мамонтенок it will be dried up. All internal is kept, we only small fragments took for studying», – has told A.Tihonov, the deputy director of Zoological institute.
At present мамонтенок is on preservation. «Mamontenok is impregnated by a special solution which protects a find from various external influences. Then мамонтенок it will be dried up. All internal is kept, we only small fragments took for studying», – has told A.Tihonov, the deputy director of Zoological institute.
New Year's vacation has not passed completely
New Year's vacation has not passed completely, for a decade 17 fires have been registered.
In cities of district for maintenance of stable conditions with fires the special fire-prevention mode is entered, the press-service of Ministry of Emergency Measures JANAO informs.
In cities of district for maintenance of stable conditions with fires the special fire-prevention mode is entered, the press-service of Ministry of Emergency Measures JANAO informs.
The bridge between g ive Labytnangi and Salekhard will hand over in 2015
Building of the multipurpose bridge between the cities of Labytnangi and Salekhard through the river Ob will begin this year.
The federal budget has allocated 50 billion roubles for financing of these works. 6,7 billion roubles more will be given by autonomous region means.
The federal budget has allocated 50 billion roubles for financing of these works. 6,7 billion roubles more will be given by autonomous region means.
The insult of the militiaman is punishable
In JANAO investigation of criminal case concerning Yana Bojko of 24 years accused for the public insult of the representative of the power at execution by it of the official duties (item 319 of the criminal code of Russian Federation) is finished.
The amount of fires in JANAO strictly grows
As informs Ministry of Emergency Measures JANAO in district for two days of December 12 fires are registered, two persons has suffered.
On December, 27th at 00.45, in New Urengoe there was a fire in an inhabited one-storeyed structure on street Trade. In three minutes after the arrived message fire sentry has arrived to a call place. Liquidation of open burning has been declared 00.58 minutes. In 7 minutes the fire has been extinguished.
On December, 27th at 00.45, in New Urengoe there was a fire in an inhabited one-storeyed structure on street Trade. In three minutes after the arrived message fire sentry has arrived to a call place. Liquidation of open burning has been declared 00.58 minutes. In 7 minutes the fire has been extinguished.
Quarter of the century to apartment
In December of last year from the district budget it has been allocated by 200 million rbl. for acquisition of apartments in houses of high degree of readiness. 60 contracts have been concluded about CLAIM YANAO.
Bunch of keys, as the murder tool
On Yamal investigation of criminal case concerning Galina Goncharovoj of 1948 of the birth, accused of deliberate causing of heavy harm to the health, entailed on imprudence death of the person is finished.
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- • Новость одной строкойСергей Климентьев и Любовь Таскаева обсудили помощь военнослужащим и их родным• Новость одной строкойПочти 47 тонн макулатуры собрали ямальцы в рамках всероссийской акции «БумБатл»• Новость одной строкойУже в следующем году пройти МРТ северяне смогут во всех ямальских городах• Новость одной строкойМолодежь Нового Уренгоя будет изготавливать на 3D-принтерах детали для дронов• Новость одной строкойНа Ямал прибыли участники молодежного форума «Российский Север»• Новость одной строкойВ Тазовском районе появился первый резидент Арктической зоны РФ• Новость одной строкой400 семей получили помощь в микрореабилитационных центрах округа• Новость одной строкойКартофелевод из Горок стал победителем конкурса грантов «Агростартап»• Новость одной строкойВ Пуровском районе завершают обновление двух школ-интернатов
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