Quarter of the century to apartment

In December of last year from the district budget it has been allocated by 200 million rbl. for acquisition of apartments in houses of high degree of readiness. 60 contracts have been concluded about CLAIM YANAO.

One of these days in the city of Labytnangi session of the public housing commission on which the question on distribution of 60 apartments in new 5-etazhke has been considered has taken place.

Categories of moved citizens, have been defined as use of the interbudgetary grant. Thus 7 apartments are transferred children-orphans, 19 — under resettlement from shabby and emergency habitation, 3 — under specialised жилфонд, 31 apartment has got, so-called, to persons included in a waiting list, first of which waited for this moment, already since January, 10th 1984г.

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