In Nadym the complex school of health works

The day before in Nadym the health school "Opened we will keep health together" which was organized by doctors of the Center of medical prevention of Yamal. Within three days experts will tell about prevention not one concrete disease or risk factor, and about correction of a way of life as a whole.
Complex classes in the Center are given for the first time.
The endocrinologist, the therapist, the psychologist will tell visitors about early identification, prevention, risk factors and diabetes complications. Listeners of school learn how properly to eat how to cope with a stress and to optimize physical activity in the conditions of the Arctic. Special attention of the doctor will pay for ways of refusal of addictions – smoking and alcohol intake which considerably worsen health. Besides, they it is raised the questions of prevention of an arterial hypertension. This widespread diseases well gives in to correction but if in time not to pay attention to its symptoms, it can increase risk of a lethal outcome several times. Patients learn how to reveal and warn an arterial hypertension as it is correct to measure arterial pressure, what reasons of emergence of hypertensive crises and whether it is possible to prevent them, and also about methods of the urgent pre-medical help.
In end all participants will get a school job the information booklets memorable and useful gifts.
of Occupation will last till February 19.
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