In Labytnangakh prepare for celebration of Day of National flag

In Labytnangakh prepare for celebration of Day of National flag
of the Turn of festive actions will begin from 14 o'clock the children's game program under the name "My Homeland — Russia". to Small citizens will be offered to participate in competitions and sporting events, to jump on inflatable trampolines, to drive on electric cars. In the same time two sports grounds will work: in a yard of the first school streetball competitions will take place, and on the area at a town house of culture will pass sports and mass actions.

relay will accept in the Evening youth the stock "Majestic Tricolour". Young people under a panel of a flag of 1,1 by 3,5 meters in size will proceed from Pobedy Square on Vladimir Nak Square. will pass In parallel motor rally "Under a uniform flag". Cars with the Russian symbolics will pass on city streets. The winner will be defined by the commission headed by the chairman of City Council, the leader of labytnangsky United Russia party members Nikolay Pivovarov. And activists of public organization "Young Guard of the United Russia" will suggest all citizens to take part in the stock "Labytnangsky Palms". It will be possible to leave white-red-blue prints of the palms on a big Whatman paper, thereby having drawn the Russian tricolor.

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