In Noyabrsk the house burned down, there are victims

In Noyabrsk the house burned down, there are victims
On June 14, 2013 at ten o'clock in a fire brigade of the city of Noyabrsk the message that in the open territory of a southeast industrial zone around base of the city of Noyabrsk the separate wooden structure lit up arrived.

At the time of arrival of the first firefighters of divisions open burning of a structure on all area was observed. The woman without a certain residence suffered. With the preliminary diagnosis thermal burns of a flame of a body of 3 degrees and burn shock, the victim was delivered on the ambulance in resuscitation unit of the central city hospital. During suppression the corpse of the man is found, circumstances of his death are established.

In Noyabrsk the house burned down, there are victims

As a result of a fire fire damaged a structure and the property located in it on all area. Preliminary cause of the fire – violation of requirements of fire safety at the device and operation of oven heating.

The perpetrator and damage are established.

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