Urengoy a fire on New Year's holidays

Urengoy a fire on New Year's holidays
On January 3, 2013 at 18 o'clock in service of rescue of the Purovsky area the message on a fire in a two-storeyed wooden house in the settlement Urengoy arrived. In 2 minutes firefighters arrived on a scene. 54 firefighters of the public fire service were involved to fire extinguishing and 5 units of special equipment.

As a result of a fire 3 persons suffered: 63-year-old and 26-year-old men, and also child of 12 years. Victims were hospitalized with varying severity traumas in the Central regional hospital of the settlement Urengoy.

At 05 hours 14 minutes the fire is put completely out. Fire damaged the house on the area of 576 square meters.

The cause of the fire, guilty and damage are established.

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