On the Yamburg field there was a fire

On the Yamburg field there was a fire
On April 17 at evening on the panel of a fire brigade the message on capacity ignition with gas condensate on the Yamburg field arrived, ignition happened in 15 kilometers from a fire brigade.

In 15 minutes firefighters arrived on a scene. At the time of arrival of fire guard open burning of capacity was observed, firemen entered in a few minutes fight with fire. Police officers also worked at a scene and an emergency medical service.

On the Yamburg field there was a fire

Less than in an hour the fire was localized on the area of 100 m3, in 15 minutes was declared elimination of the center of burning, and in in 2 minutes the fire was completely liquidated.

According to the specified data, as a result of a fire 1 person was lost, 1 suffered. The injured worker is delivered in a medical medical unit of the settlement of Yamburg.

Fire partially damaged capacity by volume 20м3.

Causes of the fire and material damage are established.

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