I fell herbs – dangerous entertainment!

I fell herbs – dangerous entertainment!
Snow as "the national entertainment" under the name "I Fell Herbs" began didn't manage to descend. And, responsible for such fires become not only children, but also adults who intentionally set fire to a last year's grass and garbage. Meanwhile, firing of a grass causes damage and the nature, and the person. At a gusting wind fire can be thrown on the neighboring buildings, and someone's negligence or prank with fire can turn back tragic consequences.

During the period from May 1 to May 27 firefighters of Noyabrsk left on grass and garbage suppression already 40 times! There were cases of distribution of fire from a grass on economic structures and engineering communications. Four citizens are attracted to administrative responsibility. In May meeting of the commission on emergency situations and fire safety on which the question of readiness for a fire-dangerous season, the organizations of protection of the population and the municipality territory the city of Noyabrsk from natural fires in 2013 was considered took place.

Also for the prevention of emergence of fires and safety of all types of property as the resolution of the head of administration of Noyabrsk from May 15, 2013 to September 15, 2013 are approved the plan of measures on protection of the population and municipality territories the city of Noyabrsk from natural fires, an order of involvement of the organizations for suppression of forest and tundra fires, structure of operational staff on the management of actions at suppression of forest and tundra fires during a fire-dangerous season 2013.

The duty is assigned to heads of establishments, the enterprises and the organizations on ensuring observance of requirements of fire safety regulations; reduction in an appropriate condition of sources of fire-prevention water supply and entrances to them; maintenance in proper condition the fire-prevention gaps, the mineralized strips, fire-prevention barriers; ensuring readiness for delivery of the fire and technical equipment, arms, means of protection in case of the emergency situations caused by natural fires.

According to point 77 "Rules of a fire-prevention mode in the Russian Federation" the head of the organization provides timely cleaning of objects of combustible waste, garbage, container, fallen leaves and a dry grass. It isn't allowed to burn waste and container in the places being at distance less than 50 meters from objects. Cultivation of fires, burning of waste and container isn't allowed in the limits established by norms of design of fire-prevention distances, but 50 meters to buildings and constructions aren't closer.

For violation of these requirements of fire safety the perpetrator is attracted to administrative responsibility in the form of a penalty according to p.1 Art. 20.4 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences in sizes: from 1000 to 1500 rub on the citizen, from 6000 to 15000 rub on the official and from 150000 to 200000 rub on the legal entity. If burning of a grass causes a fire and destruction or damage of someone else's property, or causing a lung or average weight of harm to health of the person, the perpetrator is attracted to administrative responsibility in the form of a penalty on h. 6 Art. 20.4 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences in sizes: from 4000 to 5000 rub on the citizen, from 40000 to 50000 rub on the official and from 350000 to 400000 rub on the legal entity.

"Each inhabitant of Noyabrsk has to observe requirements of rules of a fire-prevention mode in the Russian Federation, observe requirements of fire safety in the woods, know that it isn't allowed to burn waste and container in the places being at distance less than 50 meters from objects, – the chief of OND around the city to Noyabrsk Andrey Semenov warns. – Observe extra care at the treatment of fire! ".

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