The Yamal school students study a foreign language
Almost at all schools of the district train in a foreign language. But few Yamal school students for many years of training can do at least interpretation, to understand speech or to speak independently. But on courses, lasting some months of people will bring so that it is possible to send them abroad, they can easily communicate. And training will go in an unostentatious form. From here it is possible to deduce some rules, helping to learn a foreign language.
Much own laziness prevents to learn language. Attempts to postpone "for tomorrow", desire to finish a lesson, absence of motivation of independent work and so on to anything good won't lead quicker. If the desire to learn language is great, laziness is necessary бороть only independently. Process should go easily , it is not necessary to press from itself obtaining information if the exhaustion is appreciable. Was tired – have a rest. But then continue!
Training should be conducted not in the theoretical plan, and in the practical. That is the grammar is less important, rather than a lexicon. It increases not at once. That the word was postponed in memory, he is necessary for meeting several times (that it caught sight). Simply regularly thumbing through the dictionary in search of earlier written down concrete word, a part from them simply catch sight. Reading the test, the person also meets earlier studied words.
Only after tamping of a certain base of words it is possible to start grammatical bases. Further these stages are necessary for alternating and combining competently. It is not necessary to cram simply. It is necessary to understand, as it is put by b into practice.
If on the street there are no native speakers, should be conducted practical training on courses in group, communicating among themselves. as additional classes it is possible to watch movies in a foreign language (even with transfer and subtitles), to listen music, trying to translate.
There is an Internet? Nothing prevents to be registered in a social network foreign, at a forum or in a chat. Let even the first texts will be made and deciphered with the dictionary, but practice in a face. And here use of automatic translators on the contrary will confuse.
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