Labytnangah were visited by the vice-consul of the USA

Labytnangah were visited by the vice-consul of the USA
Past Saturday Labytnangi with a fact-finding trip has visited the Vice-consul of the United States of America in Ekaterinturge Nicole Tobin. In a city administration madam Tobin have acquainted with key parameters of a social and economic development of the city. Special emotions of the Vice-consul were caused by the information on the absolute minimum of temperatures fixed in a city: a minus of 54 degrees. The assistant to the head of administration Marina Treskova, welcoming madam Tobin, has told: «I know that you personally apply many efforts on advancement of the program of simplification of entrance on territory of the USA of youth. I hope that the given projects will give to young men a new impulse in mastering by English language and will open new prospects for creative and professional growth. I believe that results of realization of the given projects can use and youth».

In Labytnangah madam Tobin has visited the first school, children's school of arts, a city museum.

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