The budget yamal is aimed at increase in social guarantees
At the next session of Legislative Assembly of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region the budget on 2012 – 2014 has been accepted. The budget of Yamal is aimed at formation of a society of social harmony, the assistant to the speaker of district parliament, the chairman of Committee on social policy and housing and communal services Elena Zlenko hasn'ted.
«On support of the population of district we direct the sum comparable to budgets of two cities of Russia which population considerably surpasses number of inhabitants of Yamal. At us 200 thousand addressees of privileges on the different bases, and in this part we will be and to improve our legislation further. Today the rare region can speak about increase in social guarantees», – Elena Zlenko hasn'ted.
Hasn't ignored the deputy and positive steps in a development of education and public health services: «the Word modernization frightens people. It something new, but at us modernization is accompanied in parallel salary growth. And people have felt it. It is assured that increase of a salary and its finishing to average on region economy is a huge step to a society of social success. Now we will address to our teachers with the request to give quality education to children, to provide with it start in the future life. That public health services this very important direction for Yamal, isn't casual expenses in this direction have increased to 17 billion roubles. Here reform will be accompanied also by salary increase. We want to have qualitative medicine in the north and we want to be proud of it. We want, that formation and public health services were competitive in comparison with other territories».
Besides it, Elena Zlenko hasn'ted the reforms going in housing-and-municipal sphere. «Restraint of tariffs for the population manages to the district budget in 6,6 billion roubles. And it that people from the pocket didn't pay for old networks and rotted through pipes. Deputies and the government understand, on what steps they go that incomes of the Yamal population were stable. All these expenses together, and also expenses on housing construction which under different programs will give the chance to improve living conditions more than to seven thousand Yamal families, will allow to generate that quality of life which can be an example for other regions. After all knowingly from many regions aspire to arrive to live to us. Quality of life and its improvement is and there are purposes of social policy for formation of a society of social harmony», – Elena Zlenko has underlined.
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