On Yamal there will be a flying hospital

On Yamal there will be a flying hospital
The aircraft of Yamal for the first half of the year 2011 has assisted more than to three thousand patients. Such are results of work of the specialised sanitary-aviation first help. The division is created for rendering assistance to the wandering population of district, living in remote territories of the north.

In total in this time on calls emergency brigades take out 3102 patients. Urgent medical aid appeared to pregnant women, children, reindeer breeders, fishermen and hunters. 649 starts, from them urgent — 642 are executed. The general touch has made 2313 hours.

Work on perfection of mobile forms of rendering of emergency and planned medical aid to the population of the remote territories is now conducted. Actions are directed on modernisation and strengthening of material base of the sanitary aircraft, one of which major points is acquisition modern specialised the equipment. Also the autonomous region government solves a question on acquisition of flying hospital which will allow to render specialised medical aid by the patient at once after the arrival into place.

Let's notice that now to the population of the remote territories medical aid is rendered by five branches of sanitary aircraft located in Salekhard, Nadym, Tarko-fat, settlement Tazovsky and village Sejaha of the Yamal area.

Except sanitary aircraft in district work, rendering according to plan-advisory and medical aid, mobile medical groups and travelling medical assistants.

Let's remind that for the first time on Yamal the station of sanitary aircraft has been opened in 1949 at Salekhard district hospital. In 1953 the mobile brigade of doctors for rendering of planned inspection of fishermen and reindeer breeders has been created.

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