The fortnight interdiction for extraction of all kinds of water bioresources for Ob is entered.

The fortnight interdiction for extraction of all kinds of water bioresources for Ob is entered.
Since June, 1st the interdiction for extraction all kinds of water bioresources in the river Ob from cape Salemal to cape Angalsky (city of Salekhard), in a channel Hamanelsky Ob from cape Jamsale to cape Salemal and in a channel Nadym Ob from cape Sandiba to cape Salemal is entered. The given interdiction is established according to Rules of fishery for Western-Siberian pool for the purpose of protection of water bioresources during spawning of the majority of kinds of fishes and will operate till June, 15th.

According to department on protection, reproduction and regulation of use of bioresources YANAO, the similar interdiction operates in the rivers the Big Ob, Small Ob and delta of the river Ob from southern administrative border of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region to cape Sandiba on east coast and cape Jamsale on west cost from November, 31st till May, 15th. However during this period extraction of a ruff, a pike, язя, a burbot, the bream, small fry, a crucian – semilocks and matches, and also a burbot – attics from a monothread is resolved.

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