Declaration of love of Nadym firemen
In Nadym among employees of 1 Group FPS on YANAO for the first time has passed creative competition «Knights of fire». To Test in the offered tests five courageous and worthy have solved: Victor Vasilev, Dmitry Orlov, Ilgizar Mudarisov, Denis Staroverov, Muslim Dagirov. Throughout all competition participants showed the sports abilities and professional skills, ability to improvise and find original decisions, and also the artistic data.
In the first competitive day knights passed 100-meter fire relay race and 3 floors of an educational tower rose on an assault ladder in a window. At this stage forward have escaped Denis Staroverov and Muslim Dagirov.
The following stage – creative tournament - has taken place on a scene of city Children's school of arts № 1. Here contestants were expected by not less difficult tests. They should present the card or to tell about themselves in any genre. In improvisational competition "Freestyle" it was necessary to compose the love message and to answer the historical questions connected with an epoch of knights. And carrying out the homework, each knight should present the «Dedication to the Ladylove».
Participants of competition with honor and advantage have stood all tests. And as it is necessary to the present knights, they have managed to mention strings of soul of all present at a concert hall, especially its fine half. It was impossible to remain indifferent from song declarations of love of some participants, and also comic minisketches on a theme of relations between the woman and the man.
It was not simple this day and jury. Nevertheless, each knight has been noted in the nomination. But competition is competition and the winner of tournament a nomination «to Learn, believe, win!» There was Ilgizar Mudarisov. On a scene it was best and has opened the creative potential wholly.
We hope that this competition becomes our kind tradition.
In the first competitive day knights passed 100-meter fire relay race and 3 floors of an educational tower rose on an assault ladder in a window. At this stage forward have escaped Denis Staroverov and Muslim Dagirov.
The following stage – creative tournament - has taken place on a scene of city Children's school of arts № 1. Here contestants were expected by not less difficult tests. They should present the card or to tell about themselves in any genre. In improvisational competition "Freestyle" it was necessary to compose the love message and to answer the historical questions connected with an epoch of knights. And carrying out the homework, each knight should present the «Dedication to the Ladylove».
Participants of competition with honor and advantage have stood all tests. And as it is necessary to the present knights, they have managed to mention strings of soul of all present at a concert hall, especially its fine half. It was impossible to remain indifferent from song declarations of love of some participants, and also comic minisketches on a theme of relations between the woman and the man.
It was not simple this day and jury. Nevertheless, each knight has been noted in the nomination. But competition is competition and the winner of tournament a nomination «to Learn, believe, win!» There was Ilgizar Mudarisov. On a scene it was best and has opened the creative potential wholly.
We hope that this competition becomes our kind tradition.
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