YAmalpeoples participated in liquidation of consequences the Chernobyl accident
25th anniversary of accident on a Chernobyl NPP
Showing endurance and composure, liquidators of failure headed dangerous fighting sites at suppression of the fires which have arisen at station and in immediate proximity from it, did the cleaning in radioactive garbage, delivery of the foodstuffs, ware property, spare parts in the city of Pripyat, on territory of nuclear station, for staff of summary groups, organized work on revealing of the technics working during the first hours of liquidation of a fire on a roof of the atomic power station, checking level of its pollution, carried out its delivery to special platforms, made disinfection of fire and other technics on processing points.
456 liquidators of the Chernobyl accident who has shown courage and heroism, live today in Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, from them 7 persons continue to serve to (work) in divisions of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, showing high professionalism, skill and knowledge of the business.
- Colonel BESSONS Arcady Leonidovich, the chief of Central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region;
- The colonel of internal service BAGLEJ Igor Viktorovich, the chief of Official body «10 group FPS on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region (contractual)»;
- The colonel of internal service ALEYNIKOV Vladimir Zaharevich, the deputy chief of Official body «4 group FPS on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region (contractual)»;
- The lieutenant colonel of internal service Kostroma Michael Grigorevich, the chief of a fire brigade № 35 Official bodies «6 group FPS on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region (contractual)»;
- The major of internal service POLUJAN Pavel Vladimirovich, the senior inspector of branch of preventive maintenance of fires of a fire brigade № 25 Official bodies «4 group FPS on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region (contractual)»;
- The senior ensign of internal service BASHINSKY Yury Nikolaevich, the senior instructor in fire-engine driving – the driver of a fire brigade № 4 Official bodies «2 group FPS on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region»;
- VOJCHUK Miroslav Mihajlovich, the chief of a fire brigade № 20 Official bodies «4 group FPS on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region (contractual)».
Showing endurance and composure, liquidators of failure headed dangerous fighting sites at suppression of the fires which have arisen at station and in immediate proximity from it, did the cleaning in radioactive garbage, delivery of the foodstuffs, ware property, spare parts in the city of Pripyat, on territory of nuclear station, for staff of summary groups, organized work on revealing of the technics working during the first hours of liquidation of a fire on a roof of the atomic power station, checking level of its pollution, carried out its delivery to special platforms, made disinfection of fire and other technics on processing points.
456 liquidators of the Chernobyl accident who has shown courage and heroism, live today in Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, from them 7 persons continue to serve to (work) in divisions of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, showing high professionalism, skill and knowledge of the business.
- Colonel BESSONS Arcady Leonidovich, the chief of Central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region;
- The colonel of internal service BAGLEJ Igor Viktorovich, the chief of Official body «10 group FPS on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region (contractual)»;
- The colonel of internal service ALEYNIKOV Vladimir Zaharevich, the deputy chief of Official body «4 group FPS on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region (contractual)»;
- The lieutenant colonel of internal service Kostroma Michael Grigorevich, the chief of a fire brigade № 35 Official bodies «6 group FPS on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region (contractual)»;
- The major of internal service POLUJAN Pavel Vladimirovich, the senior inspector of branch of preventive maintenance of fires of a fire brigade № 25 Official bodies «4 group FPS on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region (contractual)»;
- The senior ensign of internal service BASHINSKY Yury Nikolaevich, the senior instructor in fire-engine driving – the driver of a fire brigade № 4 Official bodies «2 group FPS on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region»;
- VOJCHUK Miroslav Mihajlovich, the chief of a fire brigade № 20 Official bodies «4 group FPS on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region (contractual)».
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