From Harpa to Labytnangi - under the privilege ticket.

From Harpa to Labytnangi - under the privilege ticket.
The day before in settlement Harp the meeting of inhabitants with representatives of department of transport and a road economy of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region and settlement administration has taken place. On it one of sharp, socially significant questions – the organization of the bus passenger message between Harpom and the city of Labytnangi was discussed.

Let's remind that since November, 2010 as a result of joint efforts of motor transportation enterprise "North", department of transport both road economy YANAO and deputies of fraction "United Russia" of Legislative Assembly JANAO of Elena Pushkarevoj and Lyudmila Ivanovoj between these settlements the bus service closed about four years ago has been renewed.

Now on a route new buses of middle class PAZ-3204 work. They make four flights in day, monthly provide transportation over 1000 passengers. Inhabitants of Harpa have positively estimated bus service presence between settlement and the city of Labytnangi.

During a meeting inhabitants have suggested to provide possibility to use privileges under uniform social tickets on the given bus route.

Following the results of a working meeting "North" to Alexander Fominu it was recommended to director MATP to calculate expenses of the enterprise from transportation of a preferential category of citizens and to solve a question on indemnification of expenses with bodies of social security of Priuralsky area.

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