«The Siberian extreme 2011» successfully finished in New Urengoe.

«The Siberian extreme 2011» successfully finished in New Urengoe.
As employees of department on tourism ЯНАО have informed, the day before participants XV snow run «the Siberian extreme 2011» successfully finished in New Urengoe.

All extremman, the overcome 1021 km on a route Tarko-fat – settlement Krasnoselkup – settlement Tazovsky – settlement Jurharovo – New Urengoj have been handed over commemorative medals and pendants. The Extreme-route has passed without emergencies.

Let's remind, in run participated 38 snowman from Yamal-Nenets and Hunts-Mansijskogo of autonomous regions, the Chelyabinsk and Tyumen areas, Moscow. Run has been devoted popularization of extreme tourism and a healthy way of life in Uralsk federal district. Action was spent with support of Government JANAO at the initiative of district department on tourism from March, 25th till April, 1st. As sponsors of run the enterprises of a fuel and energy complex and autonomous region business structure have acted.

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